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Iveco Trakker - model

An indispensable tool for quarry works and building sites. Transportation missions in these environments are characterized by extremely hard circumstances. Our clients working in these environments know exactly what they need, especially in respect of power, reliability and performance.

Iveco’s heavy duty truck family developed for public road and off-road usage has proven in these respects to the clients for several years. Since 2005, the popular vehicle family is offered with a new outlook and improved technical background in the name of the united Iveco image.
Trakker combines the endurance and loadability of hard terrain trucks with the comfort of highway transport vehicles.

  77 different varieties,
  2 types of engines, 6 types of performance level,
  2, 3 and 4 axle models are available in “light” and in “heavy” versions depending on usage.
Light version:
Mainly public roads usage
Comfort and efficiency
Public road weight restrictions
Heavy version:
Extreme operational circumstances and terrain conditions
Alternative for heavy quarry machines
Power and solidity
6x6 and 8x8 versions
Levantex Ltd. 1044 Budapest, Ipari Park u. 2, Tel: 06-1-435-3000; Fax: 06-1-230-2983