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Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the website of LEVANTEX Ltd.
Our company was founded in 1990. LEVANTEX is the official Hungarian distributor of the Iveco truck factory, and according to the results of recent years, it is one of the most successful distributors of Iveco trucks in Budapest as well as in Tatabánya.

Our slogan is: "To Ease Your Load".

Iveco produces trucks that perfectly fit the demands and expectations of our users. Our supply of hundreds of various models makes it possible to offer suitable vehicles for any type of transportation. Chassis, cabs and superstructure can be combined in several variations.

Moreover, 1000 European service stations and the related 24-hour Service Assistant breakdown service provide security for vehicle owners.

We at LEVANTEX believe in:

  • Reliability - We keep our promises. We offer top quality and cost effective solutions.
  • Commitment - We take responsibility for everything we do and for everybody who takes part in our work.

Levantex Ltd. 1044 Budapest, Ipari Park u. 2, Tel: 06-1-435-3000; Fax: 06-1-230-2983