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Iveco Eurocargo - interior

Safety and on-board comfort of the driver were among the most important factors when designing the interior of Cargo. The short cab, the sleeping cab, the medium high sleeping cab and the double cab solutions meet both requirements. Non-skid steps make getting in and out of the cab safe. The interior of the cab is designed in a way that it is easy to pass through freely. The modern control panel is made attractive thanks to the nice aluminium grey cover. The steering wheel is soft to the feel and comfortable to handle. Moreover, it adjusts for height and rake. The new main display is easy to read and glance through.

The monochrome LCD screen provides access to the route parameters recorded by the onboard computer, supporting safe and economical car operation. The interior design of both the conventional and the sleeping cab solutions is characterized by a pleasant combination of soft materials. Providing an easy-to-clean solution was also a priority when choosing the materials of the cabs. Switches are easy to reach. Heating and airing of the cabs can be precisely controlled with the heavy-duty air ventilation system.

Eurocargo is much quieter and more spacious than before, providing an optimal space for the driver to stay in. There are large storing areas above the windscreen and on the control panel opposite the passenger’s seat. The short cab version features a tip-back middle seat that can serve as a table or a small desk. Even bottles can be stored in the storage pockets on the doors.

Levantex Ltd. 1044 Budapest, Ipari Park u. 2, Tel: 06-1-435-3000; Fax: 06-1-230-2983